In 1991, a desperate Soviet Union pursues a last-ditch effort to prevent the fall of the Iron Curtain and the reunification of East and West Germany. NATO and USSR forces fight over control of the Fulda Gap, an important strategic location leading straight to Berlin.
Saturday, May 10, 2025
Day Phase08:00 Parking lot opens; Participants gear up08:30 Check-in shed opens09:00 Gear inspected; Guns chronographedThose who arrive after 9:30 a.m. may not participate in this phase.10:00 Check-in shed closes; New-player orientation10:15 Factions finalized10:20 Phase briefing10:40 Insertion to starting locations10:50 Faction mission briefings~11:00 Startex when commanders are ready15:00 Pausex
Dusk & Night Phases17:00 Check-in shed reopens17:30 Gear inspected; New guns chronographedThose who arrive after 5:30 p.m. may not participate in this phase.18:00 Check-in shed closes; New-player orientation18:15 Rebalance factions18:20 Phase briefing at Main Parking Lot18:40 Insertion to starting locations18:50 Faction mission briefings~19:00 Startex when commanders are ready23:00 Endex; Camp/sleep
Event TypeObjectives = scoredRole-playing = lightTimeline = nonlinear/unscriptedRules = intermediateTrigger time = moderatePhysical exertion = moderate
Admission per person, paid on site: $20
Night Vision AllowedThroughout this event, you are welcomed and encouraged to use all night-vision devices, image intensifiers, thermal imaging, or the like.
CampingYou are welcome to remain overnight, and we have designated camping areas in West Field and Upper Lot. Only staff who have been approved by the property owner may start and monitor campfires, but you may safely use your own grill or hotplate.
Quiet HoursLoud noises are strictly prohibited from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Therefore, you may not utilize bang grenades, loudspeakers, excessive yelling, and such during these quiet hours.
Required ItemsBarrel cover on each airsoft rifleCash or credit/debit card for admission & extrasFlashlight for night operationsFull-seal eye protection (ANSI Z87.1) with a strapHard plastic/metal lower face mask for <15 yearsPortable hydration (at least 16 fluid ounces)Red light for night operationsRed rag (at least 1 square foot)Signed 2023 Waiver unless you already gave oneWristwatch with stopwatch timerDetailed Required Items linked HERE
Field RulesAge minimum = 12 yearsFPS limit = 400fps with .25s (1.86J)Bolt-action limit = 550fps w/ .25s (3.51J) & 100’ MEDFriendly fire counts.Gun hits count.Safety kills are optional.Noise grenades eliminate everyone in the same room.Explosive devices have several restrictions.More Field Rules linked HERE
Recommended Camping ItemsClothing layers per weatherDrinksExtra socksFood & cooking equipmentHand sanitizerMedicationsPillowSleeping bagSleeping padSleepwearTentToothbrush & paste
Semi-Auto OnlyFull-automatic and burst-mode firing are prohibited at this event. Only one BB is to be projected with each cycle of the trigger.However, we allow the following exceptions to this rule:
- Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) replicas that are listed HERE
- Guns that weigh at least 10 pounds and are at least 36 inches in length
- Pump/slide-action or lever-action guns that shoot multi-round bursts
- BB shower shells such as Madbull
- Mini launchers such as Zoxna
- Double-barrel guns such as THIS when fired only in semi-auto
FactionsYour faction will be determined on game day based on your preferences, your loadout/clothing, your experience level, your friend group, any local airsoft team affiliation that you may have, and our faction size goals:
Size goal: 50% of all attendeesProvided insignia: blueRadio channel: 1 (462.5625 MHz)
Size goal: 50% of all attendeesProvided insignia: redRadio channel: 2 (462.5875 MHz)
Radio CommunicationIf you have a two-way radio, keep it set on your faction’s radio channel. You may not monitor or transmit on the other factions' channels. VOX mode, hot mic-ing, and channel jamming are all prohibited. Please familiarize yourself with your radio and program in its channels before arriving at the field.
No TreasonYou must remain loyal to the faction that you are currently on and not betray them, because any form of treason will break this game.
Restricted Spawn-campingYou and your faction are not allowed to stalk, surround, or fire upon the opposing faction's primary self-respawn location. Likewise, they're not allowed to camp your primary self-respawn either. However, self-respawn flags at forward operating bases are vulnerable to attack as described below.
Day Phase: Conquest (11:00–15:00)NATO's primary self-respawn and starting location is Eustis, and the USSR's is Rushmore.
Forward Operating BaseAfter startex is called, each faction's commanders may order the establishment of a forward operating base (FOB) at any location of their choice within the area of operations (AO) that is at least 300 feet away from the opposing faction's primary self-respawn location and at least 150 feet away from all conquest and asset-destruction sites. To do so, they must place a special "FOB RESPAWN" flag that will serve as a second self-respawn pole for everyone in their faction. However, at any time, the opposing faction may come through and deactivate it by simply taking it down, but it is not allowed to be moved or hidden by the opposing faction. There is no limit to the number of times a FOB flag may be put up or taken down. At startex, each faction's FOB flag will be located at its primary self-respawn location.
ConquestNATO and USSR are expected to capture and hold the largest number of control sites for the longest period of time before the phase ends at 15:00. There are four control sites located at Adams, OP Alpha, OP Oscar, & OP Romeo and are marked with orange flags on the map.To capture a control site, you must throw your enemy’s flag on the ground and replace it with your own as shown HERE. There’s no limit to the number of times that the flags may be flipped on a control site, but you’re not allowed to steal or hide the flags.In order to begin accruing minutes for your faction on the control site that you just captured, you must also use the Baofeng radio that is located at the control site to notify the game runner of the flip. Any delay in radioing the flip will delay the accrual of minutes. Each accrued minute is worth one point for a total of up to 960 points available from conquest. Each faction’s minute accrual will be started and stopped on our smartphone. Everyone with an internet connection may monitor the scoreboard in real time through this URL:
Asset DestructionWhile each faction is fighting over control of the four conquest sites, it is also tasked with defending its own two assets while also trying to detonate the enemy's two assets which are marked on the map with blue circles for the ones owned by NATO and red circles for those of the USSR. Each detonated asset is worth 300 points to the opposing faction, and their fuses may be lit only by adults.
Area of Operations (AO)
Action/Counter CardsIf played correctly by a faction, an Action Card can provide an advantage such as Aerial Recon, Artillery Strike, Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) Insertion, and Radio Jam. In contrast, a Counter Card may be played against an opposing faction's Action Card with countermeasures such as Armored Bunker, Advanced Encryption, and Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) Strike. Each Card provides a detailed description of what it does and may only be used once by radioing in the Card's type, number, and activation code to the game runner. Action Cards and Counter Cards may only be played by a faction's Commanding Officer or Executive Officer. Each faction may play no more than two Cards of any type within any 30-minute time period.
Death from AboveThroughout this event, it is likely that you will be told by game runners that you are hit even though you weren't struck by a BB. This is due to Cards that were played against you by the opposing faction. Sometimes you might just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your faction is likely to also land some hits on your enemies in the same way. You are required to accept these hits without argument and understand that the game runner is merely informing you of what your enemy has done.
Dusk Phase: Attack & Defend (19:00–20:30)Factions will alternate between attacking and defending critical SAM sites. The attackers will start with a bomb that they are to escort and detonate on their choice of two enemy SAM sites. At the target site, the attackers should set down their bomb, press the button to activate the audible five-minute countdown, and protect it from enemy contact while it counts down to detonation. If the attacker carrying the bomb is hit, they must drop it immediately, but the defenders may not pick it up. Instead, they may set up a perimeter around it to prevent the attackers from retaking it. Once the bomb has been activated on a target site, it may not be moved by either faction.The defenders are to prevent the bomb from detonating on either of their target sites. They may prevent it from getting there or defuse it by pressing the button after the countdown has started. If the defenders defuse the bomb, the round ends. Each round has a time limit of 30 minutes. The attackers will earn 200 points if their bomb detonates on a target site. The defenders will earn 200 points if they prevent the bomb from being activated on a target site through the end of the round time. If the bomb is activated on a SAM site and successfully defused before the five-minute countdown ends, the defenders will earn 250 points. If the bomb is activated on a target site within the last five minutes of the round, the time limit of the round will be extended until the bomb is either detonated or defused.For Round 1, NATO are the defenders. They must start from their self-respawn at Gravesite and rush to defend their two SAM sites at Main Bridge and the center of the Valley. Meanwhile, USSR are the attackers and must start with their bomb from their self-respawn at Campbell.For Round 2, USSR are the defenders. They must start from their self-respawn at Bragg and rush to defend their two SAM sites at Adams and the Pond. Meanwhile, NATO are the attackers and must start with their bomb from their self-respawn at Drum.Prior to the starting of each round, the defenders will have one minute to disperse and prepare their defenses.
Night Phase: Pilot Extraction (~20:30–23:00)A NATO pilot on reconnaissance was shot down and needs to be extracted out of enemy territory. The plane also held several film rolls containing sensitive intelligence about the locations of secret USSR radar sites. NATO is trying to recover their pilot and, if possible, the intelligence he gathered in the film rolls.NATO's self-respawn and starting location is Eustis, and the USSR's is Bragg. Before this phase begins, the commanders of each faction will receive an electronic tracker that displays the real-time location of the pilot. The commanders will then direct their faction to retrieve the pilot. But, the pilot will attempt to hide from and evade players as it will be difficult for him to determine what faction players belong to until they are close to him. Also, the pilot is injured, and any retrieval teams will require five minutes of physical contact with the pilot to medically stabilize him before he can be exfiltrated. During this time, he can be gently dragged up to 25 feet in any direction to get him behind more protective cover, but movement beyond that distance will kill him. At all times, the pilot is invincible like an inanimate game piece and is not affected by BB strikes or attempted knife kills. At the same time, he is not allowed to shoot at or eliminate anyone else. After the five-minute stabilization time is completed, a 30-minute countdown will start in which the pilot needs to be escorted to an exfiltration location. The exfiltration location will only be announced after the pilot is successfully stabilized. Successfully escorting him onto the indestructible exfiltration vehicle will earn 600 points for your faction. The pilot may be escorted by either faction, so the factions are encouraged to set up ambushes, intercept, and fight over the pilot. He is only able to be moved by any live player who stays within five feet of him, and he is very likely to have one of the following medical conditions which will make escorting him more difficult:
The plane shot down also held several film rolls containing sensitive intelligence about the locations of secret USSR radar sites. Both factions will be seeking these film rolls and the sensitive intelligence within. They can be found near the pilot’s starting location and may be retrieved by either faction. The film rolls may be exfiltrated with the pilot or captured and scored at a faction’s starting location. A film roll captured and brought back to a faction’s starting location is out of play and may not be moved or stolen by the opposing faction. If a film roll is extracted with the pilot, it is worth 300 points. If a film roll is captured by a faction and scored at their starting location, it is worth 200 points. If the pilot and film rolls are extracted by 22:30, a second round of extraction will be run with the pilot and film rolls positioned at a new location.
- delirium that calls for him to be reminded where to go
- fatigue that results in frequent rest breaks
- severe pain that compels him to occasionally scream
- tibia/fibula fracture that requires him to lean on someone while walking
The plane shot down also held several film rolls containing sensitive intelligence about the locations of secret USSR radar sites. Both factions will be seeking these film rolls and the sensitive intelligence within. They can be found near the pilot’s starting location and may be retrieved by either faction. The film rolls may be exfiltrated with the pilot or captured and scored at a faction’s starting location. A film roll captured and brought back to a faction’s starting location is out of play and may not be moved or stolen by the opposing faction. If a film roll is extracted with the pilot, it is worth 300 points. If a film roll is captured by a faction and scored at their starting location, it is worth 200 points. If the pilot and film rolls are extracted by 22:30, a second round of extraction will be run with the pilot and film rolls positioned at a new location.
GoalThere are up to 3,510 points available to be earned during this event. The faction with the most points at endex will be declared the winner!
LeadershipSince you care enough about this event to have read this far down, please consider requesting a leadership role. Details linked HERE
Swap MeetYou are welcome to buy/sell/trade your airsoft equipment at this event.
Our Commitment to YouThe event producers will follow through with this operation regardless of the weather. We are fully committed to delivering everything that we advertise and greatly respect the sacrifices that you make in order to attend our ops. Your opinions and improvement ideas are valuable to us, so please share them.